Metric System

metric converter

Here you will find the following conversion factors:
Lengths, Imperial and US to metric
Areas, Imperial to metric
Volumes and capacities, Imperial to metric
Volumes and capacities, US customary to metric
Weight/mass, Imperial to metric
Weight/mass, US to metric
These are the currently accepted conversions figures, and do not take into account historical variations in the size of the litre, US inch etc. Some of the figures are shown too 'accurately' - I know that the cubic inch shouldn't be shown to 6 decimal places. A severe case of 'calculator rot'.

Where Imperial measures are shown below as defined in terms of 'metric' measurements, this is done purely to satisfy our masters in Brussels, and does not change the size of the units in practice.

Lengths: Imperial (and US) to metric

1 inch
= 2.54 cm (=0.0254 m)
1 foot
= 0.3048 metres
1 yard
= 0.9144 metres *
1 furlong
= 201.168 metres
1 statute mile
= 1609.344 metres
1 nautical mile
= 1853.18 metres **

* The factor 1 yard = 0.9144 metres is a definition
** The nautical mile is important due to its use in air and sea transport. It computes to 1853.18 metres, but is international nautical mile is defined as 1852 metres.

Areas: Imperial (and US) to metric

1 square inch
= 6.4516 x 10-4m2
1 square foot
= 0.092903 m2
1 square yard
= 0.836127 m2
1 rood
= 1011.71 m2
1 acre
= 0.404686 hectares
1 square mile
= 258.99904 hectares


Volume and capacity: Imperial (Not US) to metric

1 minim
= 0.0591939 cc
1 fluid drachm
= 3.55163 cc
1 cubic inch
= 16.387064 cc
1 fluid ounce
= 28.4131 cc
1 gill
= 141.31 cc
1 pint
= 568.261 cc
1 quart
= 1136.52 cc
1 gallon
= 4546.09 cc *
1 peck
= 9092.18 cc
1 bushel
= 36368.7 cc

* The gallon is now defined legally as 4.546091879 cubic decimetres.

NB: I have shown the conversions in cc (cubic centimetres or cm3), rather than cubic decimetres (a measure very seldom used by anyone) or litres (the size of the litres has varied over the years in the metric system, but we are now back to where we were in 1900 - 1 litre = 1 cubic decimetre).


US liquid measure (Not Imperial) to metric

1 minim
= 0.0616115 cc
1 fluid dram
= 3.69669 cc
1 fluid ounce
= 29.5735 cc
1 gill
= 118.294 cc
1 pint
= 473.176 cc
1 quart
= 946.353 cc
1 gallon
= 3785.41 cc

US dry measure (Not Imperial) to metric

1 pint
= 550.610 cc
1 quart
= 1101.22 cc
1 peck
= 8809.76 cc
1 bushel
= 35239.04 cc


Weight and mass: Imperial to metric

1 grain
= 0.06479891 grammes
1 ounce
= 28.35 grammes
1 troy ounce
= 31.1035 grammes
1 apothecaries' ounce
= 31.1035 grammes
1 pound
= 0.45359237 kg *
1 stone
= 6.35029 kg
1 hundredweight
= 50.8023 kg
1 ton
= 1.01605 tonnes

* This is a definition

Weight and mass: US to metric

1 grain
= 0.06479891 grammes
1 ounce
= 28.35 grammes
1 troy ounce
= 31.1035 grammes
1 apothecaries' ounce
= 31.1035 grammes
1 pound
= 0.45359237 kg *
1 hundredweight
= 45.3592 kg
1 ton
= 0.907185 tonnes

* This is a definition


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