So I got kinda annoyed at always having to measure large quantities of awkwardly-shaped objects such as broccoli in dinky plastic measuring cups, and was wishing I could just use my nice shiny digital electronic scale to weigh all my zone blocks. How does one go about measuring 8 cups of spinach anyway? I found this handy-dandy list (wfs) from the Health Canada website which lists macronutrient quantities, various micronutrients, etc. for a wide range of foods, and most usefully it contains the mass of each of the quantities of food.
I took the information and created an easily searchable, filterable excel spreadsheet. This should allow you to calculate block sizes in grams for any given food, so you can throw out your measuring cups! I haven't tried using this tool yet, but I think I'll print it out in some easy to search order and tape it to the inside of my kitchen cupboard. Sweet. For my American friends, I'll let you go through the excercise of converting mL and g to ounces and...uh...ounces. I find the imperial measurement system singularly annoying and arcane.
Note that I'm not vouching for the accuracy of any of this information, I didn't do a thorough check, I might have made some typos when I was messing about in excel, and in many cases this information doesn't exactly match the information on Dr. Sears' website, in CFJ21, in any of the Zone books, etc (mostly pretty close though). I just thought this might be a useful tool for y'all to play around with.
My hard earned tax dollars at work...see, there are benefits of living in a socialist state. Go Canada!